Simple Money Talks
“Simple Money Talks is book for those who’ve ever felt like money was too complicated. This book explores some of my money conversations w/ my 8-year old daughter. It’s a smooth read that provides simple yet powerful insights on money plus practical applications.”

“Just finished reading your book again. I love how deeply refreshing it is bro. Complex concepts explained at the root. The multiple themes throughout are a pleasure – wealth, legacy, empowerment, etc.” ~James
“My wife & I started your book yesterday and already we’ve identified some immediate steps to take to get financially healthy. Thanks for what you do!” ~Adam
“I just want to let you know that I was truly blessed by your book (Simple Money Talks). After reading that, I couldn’t wait till my 9 month old daughter grows up so we can have a similar conversations about life. Thank you! You are an inspiration!” ~Anthony
“I just want to let you know that I was truly blessed by your book (Simple Money Talks). After reading that, I couldn’t wait till my 9 month old daughter grows up so we can have a similar conversations about life. Thank you! You are an inspiration!” ~Anthony
“I just finished reading your book “Simple Money Talks”. You did a phenomenal job! Starting today I’m certainly putting into place some of your recommended (make it more fun!). Page 18 of the book really hit me (the last paragraph). Thank you so much brother! You are an excellent role model for brothers like myself daily grinding physically & mentally to produce/build a better future for our families generations to come.” ~Michael