1-on-1 Coaching with Steven Stack
Budgeting, Saving, Investing
Start Building Generational Wealth Today
Goal Setting
Receive help making S.M.A.R.T. goals that are specific to your needs & desires.
Debt Repayment Strategy
Get help with repaying debt from someone that has paid off six-figures in debt including a mortgage!
Investment Education
Learn & get understanding about investing that you can use & just as important, pass down to the next generation.
Investment Strategy
Learn about different investment strategy options from someone that built a 7-figure net worth by age 31 & isn’t trying to sell you a product, but is instead providing knowledge.
Helping You Build Wealth Through Financial Coaching
Feel Like It’s Time to Make a Change Financially, But Not Sure Where to Start?
If you answered yes, financial coaching can help get you started towards your financial goals of building generational wealth.
What Is Financial Coaching?
Financial coaching provides empowerment through providing tools & skills to take control of your financial future
My coaching is not only about the what & the how but also the why around learning money management skills
Coaching provides encouragement! Never underestimate the impact of an encouraging word to help you not grow weary in the continuing the good habits you’ve formed.
Coaching also provides accountability to make sure you follow through on the tips, tools & skills you’ve learned.
How Do I know If Financial Coaching is Right For Me?
Do you need help making a plan for managing money? Does the thought of money stress you out or make you want to put your head in sand? Have you had trouble sticking to a plan? Do you struggle with feeling stuck when it comes to money? Do you need to a neutral party to settle a money debate at home? If you answered yes to any of these, coaching is for you!
Schedule a free discovery call
The discovery call allows you to detail what your coaching needs are to determine the go forward plan for your session.
Book a 1-on-1 Coaching Session
Once there’s agreement to move forward after the discovery call, we will determine the most convenient form of payment then book a 1-on-1 coaching session date & time.
Complete Session Pre-Work
There’s typically pre-work information to have prepared prior to the coaching session to help enhance the meeting.
Conduct 1-on-1 Coaching Session
We will get on a video call to go through a 1-on-1 coaching session that lasts approx. 60-75 minutes.
Follow-Up Action Items
After the coaching session, there’s normally a list of follow-up action items that are communicated to be completed from what was discussed in the meeting.
My Approach
My approach is holistic since I believe wealth is not only what’s in your bank account but also the person you’re becoming. Money is a great tool but a terrible master so it can’t be the measure of one’s identity or a meaningful life.
That said, it’s important to talk about money in a healthy way since it’s vital for living. I believe the best financial plans include a steady, long term approach which has been proven time & again to yield sustainable results for countless amounts of people.

How It Works
Schedule a Free Discovery Call
The discovery call is important since it allows you the opportunity to detail what your coaching needs are to determine the go forward plan for your session.
Choose a Coaching Plan
The discovery call paves the way for us to collaboratively determine a plan that best fits your specific situation. This will lead to booking a date & time to conduct the coaching session.
Reach Your Goals
Now you have some tools, tips & action items to help guide you towards reaching goals that can produce generational impact for not only you, but also those that come after you!
Customized 1 Hour 1-on-1 Coaching Session ($1500 value)
This includes a portfolio review & specific recommendations
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More Details
What’s included: review of your assets, liabilities, monthly expenses & income then specific recommendations based on your situation. It’s customized so the focus can be on anything from budgeting, paying down debt, investment education, strategy, outlining a financial plan, etc. This also includes “institutional knowledge”, meaning you get the benefit of my knowledge over time from having done countless sessions in the past. Email support for one month is also included.
Debt Payoff/Budgeting Package
Includes an initial 1-on-1 coaching session plus monthly check-ins for a minimum of 3 months.
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This is for those that need a plan outlined plus support & accountability to stick to that plan. The monthly check-ins are 15-20 minutes discussions for both encouragement & accountability on monthly progress. Minimum 3 month commitment.
1 Year All-Access Package
Virtually unlimited access for a year to a millionaire investor in real estate for house flipping & rentals, private equity investing, stock market investing, hard money lending & more.
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More Details
Access to real-time knowledge of what I’m investing in such as real estate & the stock market, real estate deal analysis, unlimited email support, weekly calls (phone or video) & much more.